Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP-ED Group, congratulates the Czech Government |
Joseph Daul MEP, the Chairman of the EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament, has written letters to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and to the Chairman of the Czech Christian Democratic party to congratulate them on the successful vote of confidence the Czech Parliament gave to their Government.
[ 22. ledna 2007 | Autor: ] |
"I congratulate Mirek Topolánek, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, and Jiří Čunek, the Chairman of the KDU-ČSL, for the confidence the Czech Government received from the Parliament. The political crisis in the Czech Republic, which lasted for seven months, is over and I am fully confident that the government will lead the country to the benefit of its citizens and the European Union", Joseph Daul said. "I am also happy that two of the parties represented in our political group, the ODS and KDU-ČSL, will participate in the Government. This is also a sign of their co-operation within our political group," Mr Daul said.