poslankyně Evropského parlamentu
poslankyně Evropského parlamentu
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Evropanka roku 2006

Směrnice o službách


Zuzana Roithová strongly supports JOINT DECLARATION of the Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish and Slovak EPP - ED Delegations on SERVICES DIRECTIVE.
[ 16. února 2006 | Autor: ]
The Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish and Slovak EPP-ED Delegations in the European Parliament wish to express their disappointment on the dilution and weakening of the Services Directive. The founding Treaty of Rome already included the principle of the free movement of services, and the draft Services Directive raised hopes that after 50 years this freedom will finally be attained. However, the text adopted by Parliament today has sadly been bereaved of some of its most fundamental parts. In particular, it is unacceptable that the Directive leaves serious restrictions on the freedom of the posting of workers - a freedom without which no real competition can emerge in the services market. It is regrettable that many in the European Union seem only to be advocates of competition in words, but not in deeds. It remains our clear opinion that the services market of the EU must be opened up to competition if we are serious about achieving the Lisbon goals, boost the growth of our economies and create jobs. We do not think that the current version of the Directive is sufficient to achieve that. Therefore, further steps must be made for a better Services Directive in the coming months.

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