poslankyně Evropského parlamentu
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Informační portál europoslankyně MUDr. Zuzany Roithové na ochranu dětí před nebezpečnými výrobky a službami

od 14.9.2005


Letter of Zuzana Roithova in the reaction to the statements of MEPs Friedrich and Ferber from the CSU

Dear Mr Friedrich,
Dear Mr Ferber,

Several Czech newspapers reported about your sceptical opinion on the ability of the Czech Republic to conduct the Presidency of the European union in the first half of 2009. Let me express my disappointment with the fact ...

[ 3. listopadu 2008 | Autor: Zuzana Roithová ]
that you did not share your opinions with Czech Members of the European Parliament, at least with those who belong to the same part of our Group. Your statements met the huge response in Czech media and are undermining the pro-European forces in the Czech Republic. Please note, your critical statements are enforcing the anti-European and the leftist forces. I never noticed any of your remarks during the debates within our political Group.
 I consider the recent statements of the Czech President as unfortunate. I understand that they create embarrassment in Brussels, but please consider the Czech political system. The head of state has only formal prerogatives. The foreign policy and the EU policy are within the responsibilities of the Government. As you surely know, one of the coalition parties are the Christian Democrats. Also thanks to the influence of our party, the Government follows pro-European constructive policy. This policy differs from the line of the Czech President.
 I assure you that your care about the ability to lead the European Union is unnecessary. I am sorry that you accepted the wrong interpretation of media about the anti-European line of the Czech Government. As I mentioned, these sceptical opinions help Czech Socialists and Communists, who gained new arguments.
 Yours sincerely
 Zuzana Roithová 

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