poslankyně Evropského parlamentu
poslankyně Evropského parlamentu
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Evropanka roku 2006

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Informační portál europoslankyně MUDr. Zuzany Roithové na ochranu dětí před nebezpečnými výrobky a službami

od 14.9.2005

European Parliament


Mrs. Roithova’s major policy initiatives in 2009-2010:

  • Consumer protection – restricting low-quality imported goods to the EU, banning GMOs and foodstuffs produced from cloned animals
  • Children safety – promoting safe toys and healthy children shoes, promoting common EU standards on children footwear and a compulsory certification of compliance with health standards
  • SWIFT treaty between EU and USA – providing for adequate data privacy of EU citizens while giving law enforcement officers important tools to fight terrorist finance
  • Textile industry – defending European textile producers against low quality imported goods and demanding a better protection of the CE mark
  • eYouGuide (a guide to online rights) - a project run by the European Commission at  the request of Mrs. Roithova. This guide is available in the Czech language (http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/eyouguide/index_en.htm)
  • Children in the online environment – ban on online betting and gambling advertisements aimed at the youth
  • Restoring reciprocity to the common visa policy – fighting to lift the Canadian visa obligation on Czech citizens
  • European External Action Service – ensuring a fairer representation of smaller-sized member states in the EEAS (http://eeas.europa.eu/)
  • Rights of patients – fighting for increased rights of patients using health care of a different member state
  • Telecoms package – deepening of user rights and strengthening the position of consumers, ensuring a constant quality of electronic communication services in the internal market
  • Development policies – fighting against poverty and for human rights protection in the least developed countries and in totalitarian dictatorships
  • Protection of seals -  pushing for a ban on imported products made out of seal leather
  • Schengen -  strengthening controls at the EU borders


Reports in Committees and Delegations

Mrs. Roithova was the rapporteur of the following reports:


Harmonisation package: Through her membership in IMCO Mrs. Roithova has worked on this harmonisation package in the hopes of improving consumer safety throughout all of the Member States. These nine reports establish a variety of measures to hold manufacturers accountable and improve transparency within the Union. There are a number of provisions in the directive that serve as ways to improve consumer and manufacturer safety; these include the CE marking, the Declaration of Conformity, and notified bodies.

Mrs. Roithova was the shadow rapporteur of the following reports:


Mrs. Roithova has been the rapporteur for the following opinions:



Non-legislative Activities:

-          On protection of financial service consumers against usury practices

-          in support of the memory of and in recognition of Václav Havel, former President of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic and defender of human rights




Between 2004-2009, Mrs. Roithova was the rapporteur of the following reports:

  • Novel foods – stressing that novel foods should comply with the highest safety standards and their introduction to the market should not be complicated by a overly bureaucratic process, focusing on the ethic dimension of novel products which will have to be approved by the European Group on Ethics of science and new technologies (EGE)
  • Coordination of the social security systems – the health systems of member states should cover the costs for ambulant (non-hospital) care provided by a different member states without a prior notice
  • Employed persons, self-employed persons and members of their families moving within the Community – increasing transparency and simplifying coordination of social security systems, raising the awareness of patients about health care possibilities in other member states

Mrs. Roithova was the shadow rapporteur of the following reports:

During Mrs. Roithova’s tenure as a Vice-Chair of the Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, she has been the rapporteur for:

  • The Right to Food
  • The Legal Status of the Internally Displaced Persons


In the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee, Mrs. Roithova has been active particularly in these fields:

  • Intellectual property rights - Enhancing the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the internal market - rapporteur; Creating tougher protections against imported counterfeit goods
  • SOLVIT - on-line problem solving network in which EU Member States work together to solve cross border disputes through a non-legal mechanism – shadow rapporteur



Non-legislative Activies:



Other Activities:

  • Running an informational web page which spreads awareness about dangerous children’s goods, including toys and shoes (www.budulinek.eu)
  • Running a free online legal aid website where law students provide legal assistance pro bono to Czech citizens: http://www.poradnaprava.cz/index.php/free-legal-aid.html
  • Organizing lectures and internships for constituents
  • Publishing informational brochures
  • Organizing and sponsoring cultural events

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